Organised by:
(Accredited by NAAC, Under Academic Mentorship of COEP, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra, Recognized by AICTE, New Delhi)
Near Khadimachine Chowk, Kondhwa Annexe, Pune – 48, India
In association with:
International Association of Research and Developed Organization (IARDO) www.iardo.com
& Conference World www.conferenceworld.in
The Conference is aimed to bring together inquisitive academician, industry experts, researchers and practitioners to share their innovative and revolutionary ideas, resolving significant issues, and contributing towards inculcating a healthy and coexistent learning ambiance. The conference aspires to encircle all prominent avenues in the field of Engineering and Technology. The conference is an umbrella of boundless experience and the inquisitive thirst of exploring exemplary concepts under one roof.
KJCOEMR was established in the year 2009. We offer four year full time degree course in ‘Bachelor of Engineering’ with specialization in Civil, Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication, and Mechanical Engineering and four post graduate courses in Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, Structural Engineering, and Design Engineering. The college is under Academic Mentorship of COEP and accredited by NAAC. The college is approved by AICTE, DTE, Govt. of Maharashtra and is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
All Branches and Subfields of Engineering & Technology
All Fields of Science, Applied Science, Library Science, Humanities & Management, Education
1. Accepted papers will be published in the peer reviewed international journals having ISSN & High Impact factor.
2. Selected Papers will be published in the UGC Care listed international journals having ISSN & High Impact factor.
3. Few very good quality Papers will be published in the Scopus indexed journal having ISSN & High Impact factor.
4. Author will get certificates, one for paper publication in Journal other for paper presentation in conference as per their choice
5. All the papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceeding with ISBN.
6. All the accepted papers will be indexed in Google scholar & IDIIF.
1. Author can directly present paper through Google Meet.
2. Author(s), those fail to attend the conference can send the power point Presentation of maximum 10 slides on ic@conferenceworld.in
3. Author can record their Presentation and can share through WhatsApp.
Non- Author Participation (Only for attending the conference) : 500 INR
Presenting the paper in the conference (Max 3 Authors in a paper) : 1000 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN (Max 3 Authors in a paper): 1500 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN and Publication in Journal: 2000 INR (Peer Reviewed), 8000 INR (Web of Science), 12000 INR (Scopus)
*If More than three authors, each additional author will have to pay 500 INR.
*Page Limit 12, INR 100 will be Charge for each additional page.
All papers will undergo a double blind peer review process and the criteria for acceptance will be based on quality, originality, technical content and relevance.
Conference Date: 28th & 29th July 2022
11:00 am To 05.00 pm
Paper Submission Last Date: 22nd July 2022
Notification of status of paper:
Within 03 days after receiving the Research paper
Submission of publication fee:
Within 03 working days from the date of acceptance
Thanks & Regards
Conference Team
Mob: (+91) 7830301515 , 9759005373
National & International Advisory Committee
Dr. P.W. Wani, Ex-Dean, Faculty of Engineering, SPPU.
Dr. Jagdish W. Bakal, Immediate Past President, IETE, New Delhi.
Dr. Parikshit Mahalle, Professor & Head of Department AIDS, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune.
Dr. Rajesh Prasad, Professor and Associate Dean, School of Engineering, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune.
Dr. A. P. Bhattu, College of Engineering Pune, Pune.
Dr. Rachayya R. Arakerimath, Professor and HOD, RSCOE, Pune.
Dr. Nitin Satpute, Dean Science & Technology, Vishwakarma University.
Dr. M M Ghangrekar, Professor, IIT Kharagpur
Dr. Sanjay Shamrao Dambhare, HoD Electrical, College of Engineering Pune, Pune.
Dr. B .E. Kushare, BoS Electrical, SPPU
Dr. B Sheela Rani, Director Research, SIST, Chennai
Dr. M Murugan, Principal, VEC SRM University, Chennai
Dr. D S Bormane, Coordinator BOS Elex, SPPU
Dr. Santosh K. Patil, Head of Department, Civil Engineering.
Dr. Nikita Kulkarni, Head of Department, Computer Engineering.
Dr. Sanjay S. Khondhe, Head of Department, Electrical Engineering.
Dr. Pramod U. Chavan, Head of Department, E&TC Engineering.
Dr. Prajakta N. Deshmukh, Head of Department, Engineering Science.
Prof. Gayatri S. Patil, Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering.
Organizing Committee
Prof. V.B.Maral
Prof. N.Bogiri
Prof. R.S.Waghole
Prof. S.B.Akhade
Prof. K.K.Thoke
Prof. A.G.Ghule
Prof. S.V.Deotare
Prof. S. T. Dudhbhate
Prof. S. S. Dol
Prof. Shruti Valunjkar
Prof. V. D. Ghanekar
Prof. R.M.Kedar
Prof. A.S. Hambarde
Prof. S.K.Shinde
Prof. S.L.Yedage
Prof. T.A.Ghodke
Prof. A.G.Kamble
Prof. M.M.Vengurlekar
Prof. S. G. Potdar
Prof. A K Taware
Prof. Anuja Lulu
Prof. S. J. Kale
K J College of Engineering & Management Research,Near Khadimachine Chowk, Kondhwa Annexe, Pune – 48, India