Organized by:
Department of Commerce (U.G & P.G)
Accredited 'A+' Grade by NAAC (3rd Cycle), College with Potential for Excellence by UGC,
In association with
[Under the Banner of India Educational Charitable Trust (Regd.)] Ghaziabad (India)
Conference World
Note : Authors of selected articles will get an online conference link (Google meet)
CMAE-2022: Multilingual International Conference on “Commerce, Management, Arts & Engineering” aims to bring together leading academician, scientists, students and research scholars from around the world to exchange and share their experiences and research findings on all aspects of Advancements in different language. It also serves as a prominent multidisciplinary forum for academics, practitioners, and educators to present and debate the most current breakthroughs, trends, and concerns, as well as practical difficulties and solutions in the domains of science, engineering, and technology.
International Association of Research and Developed Organization (IARDO) is a leading organization in the field of academic research activities under the banner of India Educational Charitable Trust (Regd).
International Association of Research and Developed Organization (IARDO) is an apex body that promotes and encourages commendable achievements from all over the country. The organization under conference world regularly organizes national and International level conferences with the help of its members to promote socially responsible education practices and sustainable development in economic as well social front in India.
About the College
St Ann’s college for Women envisions empowerment of the girl student through academic excellence, skill enhancement and value enrichment. The mission of the institution is in tune with the objectives of higher education and strives to provide a synthesis of academics and ethics, inclusive growth and increased employability with global competencies.
Following its reaccreditation with A+ grade by NAAC in 2018, post its autonomous status, the institution reassessed its strengths , challenges and opportunities to plan for the road ahead. It involved an analysis of the immediate and potential future environment of education, the New Education Policy of the Government of India and other factors of the internal and external environment that would influence the institution..The focus was to align efforts with the vision and mission of the college and set priorities to achieve stated goals.
Call for Papers
IARDO & Conference World invites theoretical, conceptual, empirical papers, and case studies which are original and not published elsewhere from academics, researchers and professionals in following domains.
You can contribute the paper in any language, the conference proceeding with ISBN will come in multilingual.
· All Engineering fields.
· Basic Humanities and Sciences
· Commerce & Management Studies.
Business Management, Change Management, Corporate social responsibility, Contemporary HRM, • Digital marketing, Entrepreneurship and development , Human Resource strategies, Knowledge Management, Leadership and change management , Organizational Behavior, Strategic HRM and Global HR, Accounting Ethics, Banking, Insurance and Financial Services, Behavioral Finance, Commercial Lending and Credit Risk, Crypto Currencies, Digital Transformation of financial services, Financial Innovations/Engineering, Green Finance, International Finance and Investment Banking, Mutual Funds, Event management , Market Segmentation, Marketing Research and Strategy, Marketing during crisis, • Retailing, Rural marketing, Sports Marketing, Services management, Family, Business Planning, Statistics in Business, Business Writing, Culture & Ethics in Business, E-Business, Entrepreneurship, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, History , Law, Biotechnology, Human & Civil Rights, Industrial Sociology, Labor & Work, Law, Enforcement, Leisure, Recreation & Sports, Medical Sociology , Groups & Organization, Learning & Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, Personality & Emotions, Psychological Testing & Assessment, Relationships
Important Dates:
Date of Conference: 29th -30th September 2022
Last Date of Submission: 26th September 2022
Highlights of the Conference
1. All the accepted papers authors will be published in the international journals having ISSN & Impact factor.
2. Every author will get two certificates, one for paper publication in Journal other for paper presentation in conference.
3. All the papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceeding with ISBN.
4 All the accepted will be indexed in Google scholar & IDIIF.
5. Research Paper in absentia is also acceptable.
Mode of Research Paper Presentation:
Mode1. Author can directly present paper through Video Conferencing (Google meet) on 29/09/2022
Mode2. Author(s), those fail to attend the conference can send the power point presentation of maximum 10 slides on till 28/09/2022
Mode 3. Author can record their Presentation and can share through WhatsApp till 28/09/2022
Fee Details:
Non- Author Participation (Only for attending the conference) : 500 INR
Presenting the paper in the conference (Max 3 Authors in a paper) : 1000 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN (Max 3 Authors in a paper): 1500 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN and Publication in Journal: 2000 INR (Peer Reviewed), 12000 INR (Scopus)
Thanks & Regards
Conference Team
Mob: (+91) 7830301515 , 9759005373, 7207720370
Chief Patrons:
Dr. Sr.P.Amrutha
Principal St.Ann's College for women
Dr.Smitha Asthana
Dean Academics, IQAC Co-ordinator
Conference Convener:
Mrs.Mahitha Davala
Associate Professor, Dean, Student Affairs
Associate Professor, HoD, Dept of Commerce (U.G)
Mrs.K.Usha Rani
Associate Professor, HoD Dept of Commerce (P.G)
Conference Program Committee Members
Mrs.J.Saujanya, Assistant Professor
Dr.V. Vasudha, Assistant Professor
Mrs.N.Supriya, Assistant Professor
Mrs.J.P.Bharathi, Assistant Professor
Mrs.N.Suma Reddy, Assistant Professor
Mrs.Asra Sulthana , Assistant Professor
Mrs.Naga Suvarchala, Assistant Professor
Mrs.R.Meena Shanthi Mrs.K.Pranathi
Mrs.S.Santhoshi Rupa Mrs.N.Srilatha
Mrs.D.Sujatha Mrs.T.Bhavani
Mrs.P.JoshnaYadaav Mrs.M.Prathibha
St. Ann's College For Women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad