In association with:
International Association of Research and Developed Organization
Conference World
Date: 10th July 2021
Mail Research Paper at:
Note : Authors of selected articles will get an online conference link (Google meet)
1. All the accepted papers authors will be published in the international journals having ISSN & Impact factor.
2. Every author will get two certificates, one for paper publication in Journal other for paper presentation in conference.
3. All the papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceeding with ISBN.
4 All the accepted will be indexed in Google scholar & IDIIF.
5. Research Paper in absentia is also acceptable.
Mode1. Author can directly present paper through Video Conferencing (Google Meet) on 10/07/2021
Mode2. Author(s), those fail to attend the conference can send the power point presentation of maximum 10 slides on till 07/07/2020
Mode 3. Author can record their Presentation and can share through WhatsApp till 07/07/2020
IARDO & Conference World invites theoretical, conceptual, empirical papers , and case studies which are original and not published elsewhere from academics, researchers and professionals in following domains.
Date of conference : 10 July 2021
Last Date of Submission: 05 July 2021
Non- Author Participation (Only for attending the conference) : 500 INR
Presenting the paper in the conference (Max 3 Authors in a paper) : 1000 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN (Max 3 Authors in a paper): 1500 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN and Publication in Journal: 2000 INR (Peer Reviewed),
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN andPublication in UGC care list Journal (web of science): 8000 INR
Publication in conference proceeding with ISBN and Publication in UGC care list Journal (Scopus): 12000 INR
(IEI, Chandigarh) Institution of Engineers, Sector 19A, Chandigarh, India